Our litigation service
Skan1 helps Legal Departments, Audit & Internal Control Departments and Corporate Counsel to :
- Uncovering criminal acts and their mechanisms in the event of suspected fraud
- Investigate a rumor or following the indications of a whistleblower
- Preparing a file for legal action (pre-litigation and litigation)
A unique approach
Skan1 provides a range of standard services or dedicated bespoke investigations to gather evidence through its investigative capabilities. The expertise of Skan1’s Litigation Desk is characterized by its rigorous and pragmatic approach to investigations.
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Litigation and pre-litigation
Skan1 puts its expertise at your service in order to provide you with the information you need for your case. The stakes can vary:
- Stakeholder Identification
- Public profile of stakeholders
- Evaluation (strengths, weaknesses) of stakeholders
- Consolidation and enrichment of the legal argument through a detailed study of the opposing party
- Evaluation of the nuisance capacity
Support a case
Suspected fraud, rumors and whistleblowers
Skan1 supports your internal investigations and audits. We provide you with the means to complete your work, with a broader vision of the issues raised.
For the most part, it is based on the exploitation of available public sources and the implementation of discrete interviews, to contribute to the resolution of issues that you face locally or in the context of your subsidiaries’ activities abroad.
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Tailored rates
Whether you are a large company or a SME, you benefit from the same extremely competitive rates on our entire range of standardized services. From SKAN-Check to SKAN-5X, we choose together the service best adapted to your needs.
If it is necessary to elaborate a specific device approach, we will propose you a custom-made estimate in all transparency. You will get an optimized price thanks to our pragmatic methodological approach.
Feedback in litigation situations
Business cases
- Double Je… | LitigationWhen our client suspects that his sales representative is also working for his direct competitor, our research highlight a story… lire la suite
- Ainsi font font font… | LitigationIn the wake of the audit of its Hungarian subsidiary, this client is questionning about several operations which, without being… lire la suite
- The kiss of Judas | LitigationA French SME is the victim of unfair manœuvres: one of its former employees attacks its customer file and denigrates… lire la suite
- But who is it ? | LitigationIn order to preserve his reputation, this client uses SKAN-5X to shed light on attacks in the media on one… lire la suite
Why use the Pre-litigation and Litigation service
The solidity of a recognized expertise, transparency and simplicity in addition

01. Robustness of the analysis
Our studies are conducted by seasoned consultants who are experts in their field. They are based on precise specifications that have been proven with our clients and that they scrupulously respect.
02. Transparency of tariffs and operating procedures
In an environment where practices are often opaque, we claim and implement the most complete transparency on our methodology, the way we work and the price of our services.
03. Privacy and data security
The skan1 platform is a French solution, our teams are based in Paris and our servers are hosted in France. The secure part of our platform meets the highest requirements in terms of confidentiality and data security.