A Smoke Screen | Compliance

Exemple mission skan1 Evaluation Investigation Background Check Diligence Risque Integrite Conformite Ethique 04 Compliance Evaluation Fournisseur Transparence Juridique Un Ecran Fumee France

This client wishes to identify the economic beneficiaries of a risky supplier and make the right decisions on compliance issues.

Engagement Background :

This client learns that one of its risky suppliers has just been completely reorganized. He wants to understand the stakes of the operation, and in particular, to ensure that the resulting changes in shareholding movements would not have too much impact in terms of governance.

Result of the investigation :

This client learns that one of its risky suppliers has just been completely reorganized. He wants to understand the stakes of the operation, and in particular, to ensure that the resulting changes in shareholding movements would not have too much impact in terms of governance.

From this point of view, the question of a deliberately organized system to hide the real economic beneficiaries of the subject is clearly raised.

Benefit for the client :

The results of this work allow the client :

  • To first contact his supplier in order to ask him, with supporting documents, the details of his legal structure and the identity of his final economic beneficiaries.
  • Then, in a second step, to remove this supplier from the portfolio. Indeed, after having ordered from SKAN1 additional studies on the economical beneficiaries whose identity was transmitted to him, it clearly appears that several of them are actually under sanction.

Reading suggestion(s) on SKAN1 Outlook :

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