On closer inspection… | M&A

Exemple mission skan1 Evaluation Investigation Background Check Diligence Risque Integrite Conformite Ethique 017 M&A Prise Participation Corruption En Y Regardant Plus Pres Senegal

With a project of stake held in a Senegalese company, this customer resort to SKAN-4X to review the profile of the managers and main beneficiaries of the structure…

Context of the mission :

This client is considering share ownership in an active group in West Africa. In accordance with the french anti-corruption agency’s (AFA) recommendations, he wonders about the profile of its managers and main economic beneficiaries.

Result of our investigations :

A full review of all the stakeholders profiles revealed several cases of corruption involving the company’s managers. Although the latter have never been convicted, the study of local articles and blogs concerning these cases clearly implies that they are undoubtedly supported and protected by some high-ranking officials.

Benefit for the client :

The findings highlight strong suspicions of corruption as well as questionable links with local officials. Our client, anxious not to see its reputation or its responsibility engaged because of acts of corruption prior to its acquisition of shares, reviews the of the current operation’s conditions.

In this way, he avoids possible negative repercussions in terms of image and ultimately financial consequences in view of possible sanctions.

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