The expert in nothing at all | Business Development

Exemple mission skan1 Evaluation Investigation Background Check Diligence Risque Integrite Conformite Ethique 07 Business Development Appel Offres Reputation Etats Unis Expert Rien

In the United States, this client saves itself from a potentially devastating recruitment for his repuitation and business, thanks SKAN-3X assessment service

Mission Context :

In the context of a call for tenders, this client wants to resort to the services of a consultant who presents himself as an expert in the construction industry.

Result of the investigation :

L’étude met en exergueThe study highlights several accusations against this so-called expert. His credibility is clearly marred by a succession of disputes and articles casting doubt on his skills and real expertise.

Client’s decision :

The report’s conclusions allow the client to avoid hiring this partner whose incompetence could have cost him dearly in operational strategy.

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