The Affabulator | Compliance

Exemple mission skan1 Evaluation Investigation Background Check Diligence Risque Integrite Conformite Ethique 08 Compliance Recrutement Local CV Truque Affabulateur Nepal

The candidate was filling all the checkboxes to run the Nepalese subsidiary of this client… Until SKAN-I unmasked him…

Mission Context :

This client is looking for recruiting a new executive with a particularly impressive track record and accomplishments for his Nepalese subsidiary. Beyond the information communicated about the candidate by the local headhunter, he wants to ensure the authenticity of his credentials and the consistency of his profile.

Result of the research :

Les investigations menées révèlent que le candidat potentiel, s’il n’a pas « fabriqué » son CV, a pour le moins transformé ses échecs répétés en de formidables réussites. De fait, en confrontant les chiffres communiqués sur son CV The conducted investigations reveal that the potential candidate, even if he did not “fabricated” his resume, manage to turne his repeated failures into tremendous successes. Indeed, when comparing the figures communicated on his CV with those of the companies in which he served as CEO, it is clear that there are discrepancies, even implausibilities.

Benefit for the client :

The conclusions of the report allow the client to avoid recruiting a person whose incompetence would have been likely to compromise its Nepalese projects.

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