A cumbersome investor | M&A

Exemple mission skan1 Evaluation Investigation Background Check Diligence Risque Integrite Conformite Ethique 013 M&A Investissement Spin Off Personne Politiquement Exposee Investisseur Encombrant Somalie

In accordance with its Sapin 2 law compliance policy, this client calls on our customized SKAN-INVESTIGATION solution in the context of an investment in Somalia.

Mission Context :

This client plans to co-invest in a spin-off somalian media group. Considering the local, geographical and political context, he wonders about the profile of the different sides involved in the discussions.

Result of the investigation :

The in-depth examination of the profiles of all the stakeholders highlights a particularly troublesome profile: the final economic beneficiary of one of the companies involved is a politically exposed person with a shady past. His activities are unanimously considered illegal and close to dangerous armed groups operating in the neighboring country.

Benefit for the client :

The findings highlight the questionable profile of one of the protagonists. This leads the client to impose its exclusion on the other investors and to review the terms of implementation of the operation. In this way, the client avoids possible negative repercussions in terms of image and ultimately financial consequences with regard to its stock market valuation.

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